The Word Attar Is From The History
Before discussing about “How to apply attar perfume oil”, let us see about the origin of the word. The word ‘Attar’ or ‘Ittar’ comes from an ancient Persian word ‘attar’, ‘otto’ or ‘ottar’, that means perfume, fragrance or scent.
Manufacturing of Attar fragrance oils is the practice of extracting fragrance from flowers, herbs and other botanical sources and some are from wood sources.

Attar Perfume oils has got historical background
Fragrance have accompanied humans for all of their history.
Perfumes and fragrances traced to multiple ancient cultures, most notably to the ancient Egyptian civilization.

The Egyptians were famous for producing perfumes throughout the ancient world.
They use plants and flowers. For instance, They include Attar of oud, Attar of roses, Attar of saffron and Attar of jasmine.

How to Apply Attar Perfume Oil?
The classic and traditional way to apply attar perfume oil is, applying the fragrance indirectly to the garments you are wearing.
There are two ways, you can actually apply the attar oil. You can use the roll-on of the perfume bottle, similarly, with the stick applicator.

One or few drops of the perfume oil into the palm or into the area of wrist and lightly rub together. Now gently apply the attar perfume oil to the cloth by striking the palms over the garments.
Therefore, you prevent soiling clothes and ensure that the attar perfume oil spreads evenly over a large part of the garments.
Did you know?

A small drop is enough for your fragrance need. But,
Dark perfume oils can stain your garments, so try avoiding applying directly on garments, always perform in indirect way.
In addition, Avoid storing your attar perfume oils under direct light sources, for even better stability
In conclusion, keep your fragrances in closed condition after every use and keep it in the original box.
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How do you use attar oil?
The classic and traditional way to apply attar perfume oil is, applying the fragrance indirectly to the garments you are wearing.
The attar perfume oil can be applied with the roller head of the perfume bottle or similarly, with the stick applicator.
Where do you put perfume oil?
One or few drops of the perfume oil into the palm or into the area of wrist and lightly rub together.
After that, gently apply the attar perfume oil to the cloth by striking the palms over the garments.
Therefore, you prevent soiling clothes and ensure that the attar perfume oil spreads evenly over a large part of the garments.
Can we apply Attar on body?
The classic and traditional way to apply attar perfume oil is, applying the fragrance indirectly to the garments you are wearing.
Moreover, many synthetic versions will cause you skin irritation.
In conclusion, It is always recommended to test with small quantity, whether or not, you have skin irritation.
Is Attar good for skin?
The pure fine quality attars can be applied on your body, however, every skins are different, it is recommended to test with small quantity before to continue.
Many synthetic and low quality versions are not skin friendly. Be watchful while applying attar on your skin.
Is Attar better than perfume?
Attar has got historically rich background. It exists thousands of years.
A pure attar oil is high density fragrance, whereas perfume is diluted in the alcohol and has got very less amount of fragrance content.
Perfume will quickly evaporate, most importantly, when you are outdoor. Attar oils are dense and it takes time to evaporate.
The only difference in the application method is, you can spray perfumes as it is diluted, and you can not, as the attar oils are dense, just use one or few drops.
Does Attar expire?
There is no definitive or standard guideline for attar expire.
As long as, we maintain hygiene of the product, and maintain them in the right atmosphere, the attar will long last.
Some of the good practices for instance,
Good Practices
- Firstly, Do not mix attar with any other chemicals
- Secondly, Keep them in the dark containers
- Thirdly, Keep them away from light sources
- Most importantly, Always keep it in closed condition
Moreover, the attar gets matured over the period of time, and it produce better results. Don’t forget best practices.
How long does Attar last on body?
Attar making is really a complex process where art and science involves. Attar has got many ingredients and each one has got different characteristics.
The basics for how long attar can last is, depends how quickly the attar oil evaporates. The rate of evaporation is controlled by different factors, For instance,
Different factors
- Firstly, The density of different constituent of attar ingredients
- Secondly, the atmosphere or the surrounding of you, whether you are indoor or outdoor, whether it is summer or winter
- In addition, Your body temperature, your skin type.
However, a attar fragrance oil can last between 1 to 3 days depends upon the factors we see above.
Who invented Attar?
The oldest records of production of rose water are found in the writing of lbn-Khaldun.
According to him the province of Faristan in Iran supplied 30,000 bottles of rose water to the Caliph of Baghdad between 810-817 A.D.
However, indicates that probably the production of rose water started in Iran some where in 8th century.
Rose water production
By the turn of 1600 the rose oil distillation was developed in Shiraz and rose oil was called “Attar” which is an Arabic word.
From Iran the art of distillation of rose spread to Turkey, Bulgaria and India.
Between 1700 and 1800A.D. The rose oil industry developed simultaneously both in Turkey and Bulgaria.
The species grown in the countries was damask rose (Rosa domascena).
Similarly, in India the damask rose was brought by Mughal in the 11th century and rose oil distillation has been done since 16thcentury.
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